Friday 6 May 2011

Hello world!

Hello indeed! Welcome to my new blog 'Mind on a Page!' As is obvious this is my first post on this new blog and, as the title suggests, it will feature my semi structured ramblings - essentially my thoughts spilled out as the written word - on various topics!

Now this might seem like a fairly vague concept for a blog, and in some respects it is!  If, however, you like movies, games, music, technology, surfing, snowboarding, rugby or other sports or just other topical........topics, then hopefully I will write something that you can agree with, mock, comment on, laugh at or ignore at some stage!

So I suppose my intention is to occasionally review film, music or tech - or at least write up to date articles on them - pass on information,  explore my views on something or someone (hopefully initiating discussion) and go on the occasional rant - though if you ask those closest to me it might veer off from occasional town and drive straight up 'all too often' avenue! Ha ha....anyway.

What I don't want this to be (or become) is anything but fun; fun for me to write and you to read.  The minute that happens I will throw my head back and storm off and my long dancers fingers will never darken the surface of another keyboard again....well, maybe that is a bit rash but..seriously..lets keep things light.


PS to get us started here is a funny picture of something not relevant to anything!

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